Friday, June 11, 2010

Experiments in Black and White Photography

One of my favorite ways to practice photography is to shoot in black and white. Black and white photos rely heavily on composition, texture, and conceptualization (perhaps even more than a color photo). As a budding photographer, shooting in black and white is a great way for me to learn how to use a picture to capture emotions, develop concepts, understand light, and create a story. As I improve, I hope to buy a black and white film camera to pursue this interest further. Until then, I will continue to use the black and white settings on my DSLR and point-and-shoot cameras and simply enjoy learning and practicing as much as I can.

Below are a few pictures (in absolutely no sensible order!) shot in various locations and settings. They are pictures of friends, family, landscapes, and even a couple inanimate objects.


- S. Christine

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